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Best Websites for League of Legends Builds: Enhancing Your Gameplay Strategy

Illustration of game items for buids of the game league of legends.

Discover the top League of Legends build websites that offer invaluable insights, strategies, and up-to-date information to optimize your gameplay. Explore their pros and cons and find the perfect resource to enhance your League of Legends experience.

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League of Legends (LoL) is a highly competitive online multiplayer game that requires skill, strategy, and effective decision-making. One of the key components to achieve success in the game is building your champion with the right items and runes. To assist players in optimizing their gameplay strategies, several websites offer valuable insights, recommended builds, and up-to-date information. In this article, we will explore the best websites for League of Legends builds, highlighting their pros and cons to help you find the perfect resource for enhancing your LoL experience.

The Importance of League of Legends Builds:

In League of Legends, champion builds consist of itemization and rune choices that can significantly impact a player's performance. A well-crafted build can enhance a champion's strengths, cover weaknesses, and synergize with their abilities. Conversely, a poor build can hinder their effectiveness and leave them vulnerable in battles. To avoid making suboptimal decisions and maximize your potential, accessing reliable build resources is crucial.

Best Websites for League of Legends Builds:

Mobafire is a popular platform that offers a vast collection of champion guides, builds, and strategies for League of Legends. The website features user-generated content, allowing players to share their knowledge and insights. Mobafire provides detailed guides that cover champion abilities, recommended items, runes, skill orders, and tips for laning and team fighting.


  • Extensive collection of champion guides and builds.

  • User-generated content promotes diverse perspectives and strategies.

  • Guides often include detailed explanations and tips for playing specific champions.

  • Regularly updated with new builds and patch changes.


  • Quality of user-generated content can vary, requiring careful selection.

  • Some guides may become outdated or not reflect the latest meta.

  • Navigation can be overwhelming due to the abundance of content.

Probuilds provides valuable insights into professional players' champion builds, allowing you to emulate the strategies of the best League of Legends players. The website aggregates data from professional matches, showcasing the exact builds and runes used by top players. Probuilds offers real-time information, ensuring that the builds remain up-to-date with the current meta.


  • Access to builds used by professional players.

  • Real-time data reflects the current meta.

  • Provides an understanding of champion choices for specific matchups.

  • Offers a simple and straightforward interface.


  • Limited to professional player builds, which may not suit all playstyles.

  • Lack of detailed explanations or tips for gameplay.

  • May not cover lesser-played or niche champions.

U.GG is a comprehensive website that combines data analytics, tier lists, and build recommendations to help League of Legends players optimize their gameplay. The platform offers real-time win rates, ban rates, and pick rates for champions, along with recommended item builds, runes, and skill orders. U.GG also provides matchup analysis, highlighting strategies against specific champions. Pros:

  • Extensive statistical analysis for champions and builds.

  • Real-time win rates help identify strong and weak picks.

  • In-depth matchup analysis provides valuable insights.

  • User-friendly interface with clear navigation.


  • Focuses more on statistical analysis rather than detailed explanations.

  • Recommended builds may not consider personal playstyle preferences.

  • Occasional delays in updating with new patch changes.

OP.GG is a popular website that offers a range of features, including champion statistics, builds, and guides. The platform provides win rates, pick rates, and ban rates for champions, along with recommended builds and runes. OP.GG also offers live game tracking, summoner information, and leaderboards to track your progress. Pros:

  • Comprehensive champion statistics and build recommendations.

  • Live game tracking and summoner information.

  • Provides global leaderboards for tracking progress.

  • Regularly updated with new patch changes.


  • Limited in-depth explanations for build choices.

  • The user interface may appear cluttered or overwhelming.

  • Recommended builds may not cater to unique playstyles.

Champion.GG is a website that focuses on statistical analysis and data-driven champion builds. It offers detailed information on champion win rates, pick rates, and ban rates, along with recommended builds and runes. Champion.GG provides data insights into popular builds, skill orders, and itemization choices based on community-driven data. Pros:

  • Data-driven insights for champion builds.

  • Detailed win rates, pick rates, and ban rates.

  • Offers itemization trends and popular build choices.

  • Provides community-driven data for champion statistics.


  • Limited explanations for build choices and playstyle considerations.

  • Lack of up-to-date information during periods of low community activity.

  • May not cover less-popular or niche champions.



League of Legends build websites play a crucial role in helping players optimize their champion builds, itemization, and rune choices. Each of the websites discussed in this article offers unique features and benefits, catering to different player preferences and needs. From platforms that provide user-generated content like Mobafire to those that focus on professional player builds like Probuilds, and from statistical analysis platforms like U.GG and Champion.GG to comprehensive performance analysis platforms like Mobalytics, there are options available for players at all levels.

It's important to explore and experiment with different websites to find the ones that align with your playstyle, preferred champions, and level of expertise. Keep in mind that the League of Legends meta constantly evolves, so staying updated with the latest patch changes and adjustments is crucial for maintaining optimal performance.

Whether you're a casual player looking to improve your performance or an aspiring pro aiming to climb the ranks, utilizing these build websites can provide invaluable insights, strategies, and guidance to enhance your League of Legends gameplay. Remember that while builds are important, developing your own playstyle and adapting to different situations are equally essential in becoming a successful League of Legends player.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about League of Legends Builds and Websites:

1. Why are builds important in League of Legends?

Builds are essential in League of Legends because they determine the items, runes, and skill orders you choose for your champion. A well-crafted build can optimize your champion's strengths, enhance their effectiveness in battles, and improve your overall gameplay performance.

2. How do League of Legends build websites help players?

3. Are the builds on these websites suitable for all players?

4. How frequently are these websites updated?

5. Can I trust user-generated content on build websites?

6. Are there alternatives to build websites for optimizing my gameplay?

7. Can I use multiple build websites simultaneously?

8. Are there websites specifically for niche or lesser-played champions?

9. Do these build websites guarantee success in League of Legends?

10. How can I make the most of build websites to enhance my gameplay?

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